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WEBQUEST:WOMEN in HISTORY Women's History month is celebrated each March. It was President Jimmy Carter who was the first president to established the week of March 8 as National Women's History Week back in 1980. In 1986, this was made into Women History Month. This is a fun and informative webquest to learn about a few of these fascinating women. There are many women who have made contributions which have shaped our world.This is a fun and informative webquest to learn about a few of these fascinating women. 1. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first female doctor in the United States. It certainly wasn't easy for her. Why did Geneva Medical School in New York accepted Elizabeth for medical school________ Medical school was very difficult for the first female student. What was she forbidden to attend?__________When she completed her medical training, what two problems did she face when she returned to practice in New York.________Eventually, Elizabeth opened a women's medical college in 1868. What two things did she emphasize to her students?___________________Find the answers at this 2. Sally Ride was the first American woman in space and youngest to go into space.Two elementary schools the USA are named in her honor. In which year did she make history?_______________What was then name of the space vehicle?________________How long was she in space?______________What was a sport she excelled in playing______________After her death in 2012,the crash area where Ebb and Flow, two spacecrafts that hit the moon, were named in her honor. Find the answers at this link: Check out my fun/informative webquest:There are a total of 10 questions in the webquest and extension resources.Highlighted women:Elizabeth Blackwell,Clara Barton,Amelia Earhart,Susan B Anthony,Sally Ride,Rosa Parks,Jane Goodall,Eleanor Roosevelt,Marie Curie and Sacagwea.Extension links/activities,key.Skills:reading for information/ research/computer skills.
Looking for a reading about math? Check out this reading passage on Hypatia, the first known female mathematician: Learn about the first computer Programmer, Ada Lovelace!Ada Lovelace, A Reading Check out other resources I have developed at my TeachersPayTeachers Store: |