Everything Has A History...Even SHOES!
Gail Skroback Hennessey
1. The oldest leather shoe was found in a cave, in the country of ___________. It dates back to what year?___________What shoe idea was introduced in 1790?______________It may seem amazing but what idea was first started in 1800 to make shoes more comfortable to wear?______________What was the term for shoes BEFORE this idea came about?_____________ Find the answers at this link: ShoesHistoryFacts
2. Which ancient people felt that shoes were unnecessary? ________What did the ancient Romans think about wearing shoes? _________Find the answers at this link: ancientgreecefacts
3. Which grow faster?(toenails or fingernails)_____________ About how many sweat glands are in each foot?_________ What is the reason that feet can smell?_______________In 1324, who first established a measurement for shoe sizes?_______________On which FOOD did he use for his measurement?_________________ Find the answers at this link:funfactsshoes
4. Which grow faster?(toenails or fingernails)_____________ About how many sweat glands are in each foot?_________ What is the reason that feet can smell?_______________In 1324, who first established a measurement for shoe sizes?_______________On which FOOD did he use for his measurement?_________________Find the answers at this link:the RightShoeDid You Know?
Men wore the first heeled shoes. It was helpful to have a heel to keep feet in the stirrups when riding a horse.
The ruby red slippers that Dorothy wore in the movie, The Wizard of Oz sold for $660,000( in 2000 )making them the most expensive pair of shoes!
There are NINE web questions, six Did You Know? statements, Comprehension Questions, a teacher page with extension activities, additional links and the key.
****Check out my other resources including Everything has a History(even Chewing Gum)
https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Chewing-Gum-Everything-Has-a-History-1744884 and Everything has a History(even Candy!)https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Candy-History-of-Candy-Webquest-516787

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