The Election Process, A Webquest

All this Halloween, A Webquest

Edgar Allan Poe, A Reader's Theater Script

All Things Pumpkin! A Webquest

Purple Turtle and the Pumpkin Race. Story

Civics:Learn about Our Government: A Bundle of Resources!

U.S. Landmarks!

World Landmarks!

FAKE News!Can you Tell The REAL News?

Rachel Carson, A Reader's Theater Script

Everything has a History!)*also sold individually

A Bundle of Reader's Theater Scripts on Famous Women

William Shakespeare,a Reader's Theater Script(Birthday 4/23)

A Bundle of Readings on Famous Women

Ada Lovelace, First Computer Programmer(A Reading)

History of Candy, A Webquest!

Mesopotamia: A Bundle of Resources

Phoenicians, A Bundle of Resources

ALL Things Egyptian!

Revolutionary War Bundle

Civil War Bundle

Learn About Our Government Bundle

Writers: A Bundle of Reader's Theater Scripts

STEM BIographies! 6 Reader's Theater Scripts

STEM BIOGRAPHIES, Reader's Theater Scripts (Part 2)

My Book- Fashion Rules!

My Book-Mrs. Paddington and the Silver Mousetraps

Reader's Theater Scripts(Biographies in Ancient History):

Click here to learn more:Reader's Theater Scripts (Biographies in US History)


Is That FAKE News?

Anti-Bullying Resources

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Bell Ringers!

In the News!
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Mrs. Portulaca Purpilopilis

and the Purple Adventure Goggles


The Wooden Cookie Box Story The Wooden Cookie Box

DBQ Activities!

Facts to Wow your Friends!

World Landmarks: Lots of fun things to use with your students!

Teaching Ideas!


Geography Activities

Geography Ideas!

Purpleannie's Travels

Crossword Puzzles!

Short Reads of interest

Dive into Career Choices

Teaching Tips A-Z

Mrs. Waffenschmidt
Science Fun!




Landmarks from Around the World

Calender of Resources for the Year:

Mail Gail:
Mailbox Gail Hennessey

The official U.S. time - snapshot


President Abraham Lincoln was president through the four years of the Civil War(1861-1865). He had promised in his election campaign that if elected, he'd end slavery. What you may not know is that President Lincoln started our national Thanksgiving holiday. He issued a proclamation saying that the last Thursday of each year would be a national Thanksgiving Day holiday. And, you may not know that Abraham Lincoln didn't like the name Abe and that even his wife called him by the name Lincoln. Did you know that President Lincoln started our national Thanksgiving holiday? He issued a proclamation saying that the last Thursday of each year would be a national Thanksgiving Day holiday? Did you know that Abraham Lincoln didn't like the name Abe and that even his wife called him by the name Lincoln? Use this webquest to learn more about out 16th president.

1. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln didn't have a middle name? Famous for wearing his stovepipe top hat, he often used his hat to store notes, bills and letters. What were some of the books which Lincoln enjoyed reading as a boy?_______________________ How did his step mother, Sarah play an important role in Abe's growing up?_________________Go to this site to learn the answers:AmericaComesAlive

2. Before going into politics as a congressman from the state of Illinois, Lincoln worked as a lawyer. When it came to favorite sports, Lincoln enjoyed walking and he wrestled.What was Lincoln's favorite dessert?____________________His wife, Mary Todd said that Lincoln would often forget to eat. She tried to make sure some foods he liked were always available.What were 3 of his favorite things to eat?__________________Go to this site to learn the answers:

3.Abraham Lincoln loved animals and had pet rabbits, cats, dogs and even goats. As a boy, which creature did he see classmates mistreating?____________ What did he say to the classmates?______________Once, Abraham Lincoln got muddy trying to help which animal that had gotten stuck in mud?________________ What custom did President Lincoln begin at the White House at Thanksgiving?________ Go to this site to learn the answers:TodayIFoundOut

4. Young Lincoln really liked the weekly spelling bees at school because the winner got to take a book home for the weekend.He often won the spelling bees. During one spelling bee, Lincoln gave his classmate a hint to help her spell the the word "defied" correctly?What did he do?____________________One word which Lincoln often spell incorrectly as an adult was "very".Young Lincoln often borrowed books from a neighbor named Josiah Crawford. What happened to one of the books which Lincoln borrowed?______________What did Lincoln do because of this?___________________Go to this site to learn the answers:Click on page 3. Americanheritage

There are 10 Webquests, Discussion Questions and a Teacher Page with extension activities and the key.

Check out my play on Mary Todd Lincoln: Mary Todd Lincoln, A Reader's Theater Script

Check out my Reader's Theater Script on Abraham Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln, A Reader's Theater Script

Note: Illustration of Abraham Lincoln from